How The Book Evolved
So what gave you the idea to write this book? 이 책을 쓰게 된 계기가 무엇인가요? I had a self defense company before I came to Korea. Because of this specialized knowledge, Youngsan University had me teaching a special class for student who were going to learn English in America. 제가 한국에 오기 […]
Don’t Eat The Fast Food In America
If your book is about cultural differences, why did you write a chapter on diet and health? 책에 음식, 건강과 관련된 내용을 쓴 이유가 뭔가요? That is a good question. I was inspired to write this chapter because I had a student who went to America and when she came back, she told me […]
What is American Drinking Syle
What is the difference between American drinking culture and Korean drinking culture? 한국과 미국의 술 문화가 어떻게 다른가요? So many things! For 1 American law is really strict about alcohol. You must be 21 to drink and if you are under 21, they will not sell or serve you alcohol. Each state has different […]
All About Guns In America
I have a question about guns 총에 관련해서 질문이 있어요. FIRE AWAY! 물어보세요! (Fire away: 구어로 질문/말하세요) Many Koreans are afraid of going to America because of the gun violence, what do you think of this. 많은 한국인들이 총기사건 때문에 미국에 가는 것에 겁을 먹는데, 이에 대해 어떻게 생각하시나요? Did you know that American English […]
American Friendships Are Different
How is friendships in America different than friendships in Korea? 한국과 미국의 ‘우정’ 을 비교한다면요? Well, Americans often make friends of any age, especially after they finish university. 미국인들은, 특히 대학교를 졸업한 후에, 어느 연령대든 상관없이 친구를 사겨요. Right Americans don’t care about age 맞아요, 미국인들은 나이를 신경 안쓰죠. exactly or […]
In America, Nothing Is Free
How do you know so much about safety and street smarts? Street Smart 이랑 안전에 대해서 어쩜 그렇게 잘 아세요? (Street Smart : 세상물정을 잘 알고 현실 대처능력이 뛰어난 것 <-> Book Smart) As I told you before I did self defense seminars all over America and studied everything I could related to personal […]
How To Get an A in The USA
When Koreans go to America, they wonder, I can learn English in English, but can I learn other subjects in English. 한국인들이 미국에 가면 자신이 영어로 영어를 배울 수는 있지만 혹시 영어로 다른 과목들도 배울 수 있을지 궁금해 해요. Yes I know this. One major worry for Koreans who are students at university […]