Danny Kessler

How To Fit In With Americans

        How can Koreans fit in, in America?? 어떻게 하면 한국인이 미국인과 잘 어울릴 수 있을까요? Americans are easy to get along with, you just have to understand some cultural differences. Americans first and foremost have respect for people who are the best. If you are the best in something, Americans will […]

The Most Interesting Chapter In The Book

        What chapter was the hardest to write?어떤 챕터가 글쓰기에 가장 힘들었나요? The chapter that was the hardest and most interesting to write was the dating differences chapter. The dating differences chapters concepts were so difficult to explain. 제일 힘들지만 제일 재미있었던 챕터가 바로 ‘Dating Differences’ (한-미의 데이트 차이)였어요. 개념 자체가 설명하기에 […]

American Tipping Culture

      What happens if you don’t tip the waiter or waitress at a restaurant? 만약 미국 레스토랑에서 웨이터/웨이터리스한테 팁을 주지 않으면 어떻게 되나요? In America, not tipping the waiter at a restaurant is like yelling at an older person in Korea. American’s just don’t do that. Waiter and waitresses are paid very low […]

Major Dangers In America

    What is a major safety issue for Koreans in the US?미국에서 한국인들이 알아야 할 중요한 안전 문제는 무엇인가요? A major safety issue for Koreans in the US are bus stations and train stations. These places can be dangerous.미국에서는 버스 정류장이나 기차역이 위험한 장소가 될 수도 있다는 거 에요. Why are they dangerous?왜 그런가요 […]

Cultural Differences In Beauty

        Do Americans have different beauty standards than Koreans? 미국과 한국의 미의 기준은 다른가요? It is funny you ask that, I was just reading an article the other day about this app that is really popular in China that changes the photo and makes your skin look whiter. 미의 기준 얘기를 하니까 […]

What is Reverse Culture Shock

      What is the chapter Reverse Culture Shock about? ‘Reverse Culture Shock (역 문화충격)’ 챕터는 어떤 내용인가요? Many of my Korean friends spent time other countries so I wrote this chapter for them. 먼저 이 챕터는 다른 나라에서 살아본 경험이 있는 제 한국인 친구들을 위해서 쓴 거에요. If you ask a fish, how […]

Why You Should NOT Drink Coke

      My friend just came back from America and she gained a lot of weight. Why do Koreans gain so much weight in America? 제 친구가 얼마 전에 미국에서 귀국했는데 살이 엄청 쪘더라고요. 한국인들이 미국에 가면 도대체 왜 이렇게 살이 찔까요? I always tell Korean my students be careful when you are in America. […]

What Is Germaphobia

      In your book you talk about Germaphobia, what is that? 책에 ‘Germaphobia(세균공포증)’ 에 대한 내용이 있는데 어떤거죠? It is fear of germs or bodily fluids. 세균이나 체액(눈물, 콧물, 기침 등)에 대한 공포증이라 할 수 있어요. Why do Americans fear this so much? 미국인들이 왜 그렇게 우려하는 거죠? I am not sure why, […]

Social Mistakes Korean’s Make

      What is a big mistake that Koreans make when they meet Americans? 한국인이 미국인을 만났을 때 하는 큰 실수가 뭘까요? Koreans often want to relate to Americans so they ask, how old are you? Are you married? Do you have children? In the US, these questions are a mistake to ask Americans […]

Social Mistakes Some Korean Guys Make

      My friend went to America and some of his friends thought he was gay? Why did they think that? 제 남자사람친구가 미국에 갔었는데 미국 친구들이 자신을 게이로 오해했다고 하더군요. 왜 그렇게 생각했을까요? The first thing I want to say is that I have nothing against gay people. Most Americans don’t care of […]